~Funny, Malaysia got this Limau Ais, and its those yellowish-grenny color. I love it and Brunei don have. Not that I have seen it tho.

~While fixing my comp, I got nothing to do here. So bored. Snaps pics around then wait at the shop till 4pm.

My friend, YK come to the rescue!. She just finish work, so asked her to accompany me to yamcha. Vj and Mei Yen also finish around that time. But I didnt join them coz I felt tired from the wait. Went home and thanks God I only got 3 parking ticket instead of 7-8 of it and each parking ticket costs 50 cents@ 30 mins.

~Went home online then had my dinner. Went out to yamcha with Eric, Kel, Yk, and Sheau Shy. Talked alot of stuffs haha. Yk and Sshy left earlier than us. The guys leave at ard midnight. Reached home online and chat with Joane, (a vampire lol..always online so late with me) and blog and its 210am now and we are still chatting lol.
~Got one person email-Yukiko and I tot someone from Japan haha. Its Helen from W5. Was surprised! Didnt know she will choose such a cute name Lolz. Shes staying there to prepare for tomo Cg with Teh,Wen and Cat. Good luck!. Wish I am there man. Visualize....visualize.......
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