Sunday, March 8, 2009

Honour your parent and do charity.

Last night on Sunday March 8, I was talking with a friend who I have never meet before. E-friend you can called it. hehe.I call him Uncle Low. And last night he told me this;

~It is easier to listen to your friends, but actually more unlikely to listen to those who got more experiences and more closer to you,your parent

~When his mum passed away 10 years ago, only now did he realise how much he wanted to share his mum's experience with him, as in cooking, cleaning, ironing etc.

*Exodus 20:12 (New King James Version)

12 “ Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.

What promise does Paul see as a result of obeying your parents? (A long and better life.)

And somehow it triggers part of my feelings inside. Thanks Uncle Low for sharing it with me ^^

The next thing we talk about is the movie superman return, on show in cinema 2 years back if I am not mistaken. For me I find it bored. But then he told me, its a good movie. He told me how impressed he is with Bryan singing for superman return, bringing new life to Superman movie. He added that the song at the begining of the movie bring back memories. He didn't lose the old movie but continue from there.

Christopher reeve is the old actor of Superman and he and his wife already passed away. They did alot of charity even after he got paralyse from horse riding. After he passed away, his wife continue to carry out his charity work until she passed away a year back then from cancer.

He told me one day I will come to have a feeling, to return something to the earth. A favor perhaps? Maybe I will wait till that day to come.

* Luke 14:13

But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. 14 And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just.”.

I just think its sad that I don't really appreciate the movie haha. Well, I will try to do charity too. Its a nice feeling to bless people even if they cannot repay you. I wanted to join in City Care Community and also Ministry in CHC, but then I am wondering whether they will accept me for I can only come for a while every 2 -3 months or hopefully I can come every month to City Harvest. Cheers!. ^^ Thanks to Uncle Low for the chat. ^^

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