~While waiting for her cam, Maybe I can blog something here. Started my job yesterday. The pic above is my office place. Till now got nothing much to do other then looking at the workpacks, which are a pile of files that have these drawings, and materials information on what to install. Hard to pass time man really and theres only 3 person in the room and sometime theres none. So i am left sitting there all alone doing nothing. What a job. Been to site in Kuala Balai. Went there to look around. Since I dont have any safety helmet, I am not allowed to roam the area. But theres this post on the notice board, with so many "MCB". Theres this 6A "MCB" etc etc. Find it funny and took a pics of it. On the way to the site, I spotted this area with junk helicopters.

~Read from one of the blog that someone close had some arguments. Sad thing is I am not told about it by my cousins. Whether problems are big or small, its still problems but yet I seem to be the later person to know.
~Shawn was talking to me and he told me something to do with acceptance. Sometimes when I think about it, thats what made me really wanna go back to KL, for CHC people for I can find those acceptance, those kind of feeling that even I cannot find here and maybe thats the thing I am trying to get from my cousins, acceptance but then the more I do, the more worst it gets and the further apart everything is. Tried not to care but then its hard and I find its not really up to me to decide because its what God made me to be. Money cant helps so I am out of options. Maybe God wanted me this silly nobody to stay in Brunei. haha ~
~Well never mind. As I am typing this blog, I am waiting for Wen to open her cam. Suppose to view the Cg today with a surprise for Tifa. Wen come on...dont tell me you forgot ==......haiz....what a day. Was having dinner and my parent are talking about asking me what mee I wan, bring those 3 in 1 la etc etc and when my aunt was told my office is just near by, she said "Chew...so near only....." and I was like thinking "Please leave me alone...I'm not a kid man....."
~Now is already 830pm. I guess Wen really forgot. So then never mind. Maybe some other time. Whats wrong with me man. Why am I so emo. Damn it. Really need to change to become less caring man and more evil.^^ Can I really do it? Maybe.....Saw my friend smoke and suddenly my hand got kinda itchy. Might be going to miri on Sat to go clubbing with my friend and drink it away. Its nice being drunk for you are free of everything and you only enjoy yourself with the music and the draw back is the headache the next day.
There this video I like. Justin Lo. This song if his is nice but cant seem to find the song.
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