~Was chatting with some people and knew something from msn. ^^ I dont feel sad tho. Not anymore. Did tried to solve it tho but i still not sure whether its solved. Hope it is. So I should just plan for myself now instead of thinking of others. Plan on how to earn money to go to Kl again ^^
~Was listening to radio and got this guy who request for the song "hold on by phillips". I love this song even tho its an old song. The lyrics inside are encouraging. "Hold on for one more day. Break free from the chain".
~Listening to radio here is so sien. Wish Brunei can import FlyFM in man....in the afternoon I am given a pile of mountain check sheets. == But at least got something to do to pass time. After work, went behind to look around. Its been so long since I went to the beach. Very refreshing and mind clearing. Everytime I feel stress or unhappy, I will go to the beach. Thats how I replace it with smoking. Hope I dont go back to the same thing again.

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