So tat sat night, went to Jn hse to play Taboo. Its a card game and it has a deck of cards with some kind of words init and you need to try to give clue on what you got in your card and theres some words inside the card which you can speak out. Well kinda complicated but when the time comes to play, it will be fun. Played with Ric, Jn, Ash, Del,SQ and finally me.
Jn made some drinks and it taste damn nice. Lol. I didnt know theres alcohol in it but well no wonder my heart beats faster. After the game, was abt to supper with Ric but too bad all shops are closed. So well, went to overnight in Jn house.

This is the alcohol, flavor of mango, Vanila and Peach.
Oh well, I lazy to upload the Nbt hunt show but its a nice experience and you get to know how it feels like in the tv show.
We started off at 5am, meaning I have to wake up at 230am and arrive in ric house in 3pm then reach bandar at 4am and had some nice breakfast sponsor my Shen haha.
In the game, we are suppose to look for those nbt ppl and ask them to chop a stamp on the paper, which looks like a map. Then you need to crack your heads on the idlot clue which make your head spin round and round. They gave some clue and you need to figure out wats the banner name etc thats on the said location and write it down.

Other questions include clues which you need to figure what its asking you to buy and get it from the shop. Theres some games at Muara beach and also the Shah bandar recreation park and also some pictures scene where you need to figure which part it is in the Pirate of the Carbn. Last one is a questions which asked about wats the NBt Treasure is, which is obviously Toyota model but then we are so tired to figure that out in the end. and we gave some funny answer and got 0 marks.

Well, we didnt get into top 40 lolz but then we learn alot from this hunt and so next time we can be more well prepare. hehe
see ya
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