Location: Near to Imperial Palace Hotel, near to 2020.
The entrance.
The "Battle field".
Rules and regulations will be briefed before games begins. Alot of rules and some includes the way you hold the gun, not taking off the mask as long as you are in the field, etc.
The equipments.
Price: 10 players and it cost around RM80 per person (220 bullet person if I am not mistaken).
Number of Rounds : 50 bullets per round, so It can last around 6 rounds.
Useful Info:
1) Wear some cheap shirt, pants and shoe or buy coverall for better protection. It will not be very painful, but its pain plus it will make your clothing very dirty from the mud and paint. It's gonna spoil your shoe fast~
2) Remember to get a cap to give comfort when wearing the mask, to prevent the mask from slipping out and "clean" purpose, which I am not sure what he means by that.
3) They did provide us water tho but it is recommended to bring your own water.
4) There are toilets nearby, so you can actually pee or change your clothing there.
Although I only kena shot 2 times XD, One shot can end you in bruises.
Mine is not as serious tho. Too pro already..Can evade the bullets. :)
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