I wanted to blog today because something awkward happen to me today.
Ring ring~
me: Hello?
Woman: Hi, May I speak to Sylvester?
me: Speaking.
Woman: Sylvester, this is Ms Goh. Congratulation on your new born baby!
Me: T_T~ Er..What!?
Woman: Congrats on your new born baby! Are you Sylvester?
Me: Yes but.....
Woman: Sylvester Sung?
Me: Nope, I think you got the wrong number.
Woman: (Paiseh/Malu) Ops~ sorry abt it.
Lol, I receive this weird call and well, I just think it is quite funny. Oh well, My heart does skip abit tho as I thought where on earth I have a child.
Its been one week on the new company and things have been going smoothly and nice?. I did make new friends and they are nice too. If no friends there, I think I will become crazy there with all the reading. Even if I am physically reading there, My mind is somewhere else. haha..
It has also been a week since I quit the HSBC job in Kb. Man. If you ever ask me " Do you miss the place?". No! I am never going to step in or miss that place but the people there are nice. Just the work sucks.

I went to this Sales appreciation thingy and I won BND$20 for Escapade. The thing is When I tapau the sushi back home, half of it is like ....rotten? or maybe not fresh or whatever and in the end it goes to the bin. Sad~ :(

Later I am going for a trial game haha.. Hope I can have some fun there later and Saturday will be going to miri for some personal event. Eventho I do want to go for the annual dinner, but well, Since I rejected it, so might as well go back to the plan.
I am not going to look forward to Sunday tho because its gonna be a torturing day and might as well be in pain for a week or so. Lets see how things goes by then. lol