This is taken by people who are "eat full got nothing to do"

~On 23th January 2010, I went to the SKS annual dinner party and well, not bored but not fun. Me, Karen, Ting and PSkorn is suppose to go to watch "the spy next door" by Jacky chan. But theres a road accident along the way and we are stuck on the road for 30 mins and some an hr? So we end up going to KFC at Giant. Food are so so only tho. So exp some more when you compare to Malaysia. zzz Waited till the show end and hope to get some goodies home. End up going home empty.
I like this picture. It look so nice haha. Color and all that...

I just dont know how some ppl can be so free and just love to take the pics of people sleeping or resting or whatever with my eyes close. And its not just one time, its everywhere I sleep!

My boss and friend~

This is my um ..first supervisor. QAQC coordinator. Not a bad person but then sometimes theres so many funny stuff going around him. His trademark is "Ni Ming Pai Ma?" and also his "super non movable, non messable and super strong hair" zzzz
On the last right, is Kel (New QAQC TA). How cool is that~Mr QAQC Trainee. Doesnt they look (except me) more like father and son lolz
For your info, I am not holding his hand in this pic here eventho it looks like it. -.-

When its about time to go home. Took this pics and I kinda like it coz Kel look silly, Shen look like i don know....and I look sombong haha. Suppose to have some pose for it but then....nvm la...Still look nice ^^

This is my new boss who replace Mr"Ni Ming Pai ma". An engineer. He can be laughing at times but sometime he looks scary when his angry. but its better than listening to NMPM mumbling in his own words @_@
~I went for blood donation for the first time in 2010 haha and its so fun. Cant help but look forward to my next blood donation but then I found out that after I donate my blood, I seem to be losing weight. Maybe coz of work or maybe coz of my insufficient blood. But the shocking things is, I had lose ard 5kg of weight and I weight around 45KG now. I dont mind being thin, but 45 kg? -.- Many nice recommendation of gaining weight, that is milk and pump iron? T_T. Nah..maybe I just need to eat more but $_$ ....Life is just so complicated.
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