Aww...So long time never blog di...Kinda lazy to blog but well, got nothing to do now anyway. So waiting for J to come my house and watch DVD~horror movie! yay!
Just back from yamcha with J. Been such a long time never yamcha with J, maybe a month? The day she went to Sg and back....hehe thanks for the shirt. Always brought me stuff whenever shes overseas XD.
Just went to LHM with K and Lz. Since Jrm and Lg is not there, we do praise and worship over the big lcd screen, watching CHC SG on live!. Feel so weird tho, as normally I am the only one who always watch it in my computer using a very very small screen thanks to the typical "fast" internet speed here. Wonder if there ever come a day, it will be faster and cheaper and well, maybe 40 years more and I will be too old to use internet anyway. But its fun and I feel happy everytime I went to lhm. Somehow I feel free and bible study is going to start this coming friday! So wanted to go but then need to arrange transport. Dl said we can overnight at his house..but er....some suggested we shouldnt disturb the newly how leh.....Pray and think~ Planning to go to Sg on may for the asia conference....cant wait for it! Don wanna miss it but seem like this year, Everyone has a plan and many places to go which include KK mount climbing, Sg Star cruise, HK, Asia conference and so on. All this also includes needing to spent alot ~($_$!)
End up overnight at Sh home in liang. So tiring and fell asleep while watching the "Mall cop". Kinda funny movie and its helps alot in getting me to dream land. haha Sorry sh...too tired to watch the movie but hope next time go can stay up more late by then.
Kl trip was awesome. Got to go to CHC again. Feels like home again with Pastor and everyone there. Manage to go to Props and brought a bible, a cd, and 2 David Cafe books but I left it at KL :( . Eventho its only 9 days, but I do feel like a month or so. In this 9 days, we manage to go to Genting, CHC, Shopping, watch movies-Avatar and Princess and the frog, Cyber games but no CG :( But its ok next time again. hehe. Thanks guys for accompanying me. I am so damn happy and relaxing even when its time to come back to Brunei :) ~Manage to get some tips of fashion from my cousin's and also a haircut which I never imagine I will ever ever try~ How come I feel so broke when I went to KL...*Hinting". SO you know I know la. Just "Siek TU" when I go kl next time ^^

After I came back to Kl, few days later, which is 31st, I got this crazy idea of going to Labuan or KK for count down! Super crazy trip but it was fun! Manage to count down inside the van. So funny and we travel for abt 12 hrs of driving and it includes stopping by to eat etc and reach kk around 130am. Will talk abt it and upload some crazy pics next time.

The day I went to Kl until today, didnt really stay at home. Mum is like "GO OUT AGAIN!" but well, its still ok year one time right? and its kinda fun going to friend house to overnight.
Work is kinda stress and challenging lol...but well Just try my best only. But my heart is in holiday mode. Cant seem to focus on it but well, no work = no pay. So what to do. This is life~
Last year, Shawn came to Brunei, and I was so excited but well after I saw him, I felt like is this Brunei? and now only he know how bored Brunei is. Didnt get to bring him around since its already night time when his free. But manage to bring him in to Empire hotel and thanks to the security for allowing us to visit the area as its oledi 1am in the morning. At least theres a place where Shawn is amuse by it apart from the toilet seat with the "S" washing thingy and also the celling shower thingy. Next time maybe can stay for 2 nights? lalala~ :)